01 - Interdits. Tabous, transgressions, censures
Michael Palmer
« Shocking – you can’t publish that ! » De quelques mots sensibles, vus/lus/entendus en traversant la Manche
Le Temps des médias n°1, automne 2003, p.139-147.Words sometimes assume a life of their own ; however overworked by journalists and other wordsmiths, “censorship, taboos, gags and bans”, are part of the common currency of impassioned pleas against the dictates of Authority. Here, we review some of the underlying logics that explain how in the media, in literature, and in the theatre four-letter words, and kindred icons, fashion the debate about what can or rather cannot be said, done, published and otherwise shown. There was a time when the word “God” could not be written down, lest “He” be taken in vain…
To quote this article : http://www.histoiredesmedias.com/Shocking-you-can-t-publish-that-De,167.html