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Reporting Cultures on 60 Minutes : Missing the Finnish Line in an American Newscast

Routledge, 2017, 116 p., £20.

Reporting Cultures in 60 Minutes is a study covering the journalistic practice of reporting culture by examining "Tango Finlandia," a broadcast report on Finnish culture produced by the American television news magazine 60 Minutes. It covers the journalistic practice of reporting culture broadly by looking specifically at Finns and Americans reporting about their respective homelands and about the other’s culture and social interactions.

Unique in its content and approach, this volume :
Demonstrates how reports are constructed as deeply cultural forms, couched in points of view derived from one’s discursive habits and their meanings.
Analyzes reporting done in professional practice/journalism as well as in common social routine.
Offers a way through the process that can move reporting on culture from a self-reflective mirror to opening a window onto another cultural world.

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