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Stéphane Haffemayer

Renaudot’s Gazette – 1683-1685-1689 : an analysis of a news-system

Le Temps des médias n°20, Printemps - été 2013, p. 32-46.


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This article gives an overview of the analysis of an information system through the example of the Gazette of the years 1683, 1685, 1689. 2232 news from all the european space are combined in a database ; they reveal the adaptation of a periodical wich looks first and foremost towards the international actuality. In a context of huge development of the european market of information, the structure of the periodical is tightening around a restricted kernel of european main cities : Wien and London testify the importance that press gives to major events of the european history like the siege of Wien (1683) or the Glorious Revolution (1689) wich brings a new political langage. Maps, graphs and charts show the interest of a methodological analysis both qualitative and quantitative.

To quote this article : http://www.histoiredesmedias.com/Renaudot-s-Gazette-1683-1685-1689.html

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