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FOX Juliet (dir.)

Radical Radio. Celebrating 40 years of 3CR

Fitzroy, VIC : 3CR Community Radio, 2016, 296 p., $49,5.

Radical Radio : Celebrating 40 Years of 3CR tells the story of 3CR’s contribution to Australian cultural and political life. When 3CR Community Radio hit Melbourne’s airwaves in 1976 it was Australia’s first community-owned and community-run grassroots radio station. Outspoken and independent, the station still gives voice to issues that would otherwise go unheard, and to people striving for political and social justice. A collective and collaborative writing project, Radical Radio celebrates these ongoing achievements, and highlights the diversity and dynamism of the programs and people that over 40 years have won 3CR its place in our hearts and on our radio dials.

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