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"Internet Architecture and Human Rights"

Policy & Internet

Vol. 11, n° 1, 2019. Coord. : Monika Zalnieriute


Samantha Bradshaw & Laura DeNardis : "Privacy by Infrastructure : The Unresolved Case of the Domain Name System”

Niels ten Oever : "Productive Contestation, Civil Society, and Global Governance : Human Rights as a Boundary Object in ICANN”

Milton L. Mueller & Farzaneh Badiei : "Requiem for a Dream : On Advancing Human Rights via Internet Architecture”

Nicolas Suzor, Molly Dragiewicz, Bridget Harris, Rosalie Gillett, Jean Burgess & Tess Van Geelen : "Human Rights by Design : The Responsibilities of Social Media Platforms to Address Gender‐Based Violence Online”

Ben Wagner : "Liable, but Not in Control ? Ensuring Meaningful Human Agency in Automated Decision‐Making Systems”

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