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04 - Dire et montrer la guerre, autrement

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Yves Lavoinne

Physicians in a War zone: from testimony to “media hype†. (1968-1970)

Le Temps des médias n°4, printemps 2005, p.114-126

What is the role of the humanitarian worker in conflict zones? The first to appear during the televised humanitarian disaster is the medical expert offering his or her professional opinion on the situation. Returning in November 1968 from Biafra, Max Récamier and Bernard Kouchner published an article in Le Monde on the Biafra population, left to starve by a Nigerian blockade. Humanitarian aid, they argued, had been deprived of real meaning and impact and would remain so unless bolstered by a matching political strategy. Acting on his own analysis, B. Kouchner formed the Action Committee against the Biafran Genocide and returned to the field in September 1969. DrapeauFrancais

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