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01 - Interdits. Tabous, transgressions, censures

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Meryem Marzouki

Nouvelles modalités de la censure : le cas d’Internet en France

Le Temps des médias n°1, automne 2003, p.148-161.

Is there any specific kind of censorship on the Internet ? Various French case-studies suggest that, while issues that are censored are the same as in other media, new means are devised to practice censorship on the Internet ; there is an attempt to use censorship as the way of introducing a profound change in of legal procedures. We review how this is done, via administrative private law, via new interpretations and distorted reading of patrimonial rights. DrapeauFrancais

To quote this article : http://www.histoiredesmedias.com/Nouvelles-modalites-de-la-censure,169.html

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