27 - L’Âge d’or
Séverine Equoy-Hutin
Nostalgie on the web: the mise en scène of a golden age of the popular variety song in the era of the postradio
Le Temps des médias n° 27, Automne-Hiver 2016-2017, p. 75-96.We are interested in the way in which the website of the radio station Nostalgie as a digital extension enhance its commemorative dimension by staging an idealized image of past between perennity and modernity. In a semiopragmatic frame, we show that the golden age that we agree to define by its congealing, its tagging, its depreciation of the present and its confinement in past, is staged in an abolition of the frontiers (spatial, temporal and sensitive) and a coconstruction which revitalize its object and the initial media of diffusion.
To quote this article : http://www.histoiredesmedias.com/Nostalgie-on-the-web-the-mise-en.html