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11 - Espaces européens et transferts culturels

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Piotr Ugniewski

Médias et diplomatie dans l’Europe moderne. La Gazette de France et le premier partage de la Pologne (1773-1775)

Le Temps des médias n°11, hiver 2008/2009, p. 44-56.

For its coverage of the first partition of Poland, between 1773 and 1775, the Gazette de France, while subjected to French government censorship, relied on varied sources of information – letters of unofficial French envoys or bits of news from other print sources, French or otherwise. As Stanislas August, who was not among Versailles favorites Princes, gained credit with several newspapers, the Gazette de France found itself under his indirect influence, and gave a depiction of Poland both more moderate and more open to its king’s interests than that given by its diplomatic sources. DrapeauFrancais

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