Accueil du site > Ressources > Nouveautés parutions > Octobre 2017 > Media Practices, Social Movements, and Performativity. Transdisciplinary Approaches

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FOELLMER Susanne, LÃœNENBORG Margreth, RAETZSCH Christoph (dir.)

Media Practices, Social Movements, and Performativity. Transdisciplinary Approaches

Routledge, 2017, 220 p., £110.

As individuals incorporate new forms of media into their daily routines, these media transform individuals’ engagement with networks of heterogeneous actors. Using the concept of media practices, this volume looks at processes of social and political transformation in diverse regions of the world to argue that media change and social change converge on a redefinition of the relations of individuals to larger collective bodies. To this end, contributors examine new collective actors emerging in the public arena through digital media or established actors adjusting to a diversified communication environment. The book offers an important contribution to a vibrant, transdisciplinary, and international field of research emerging at the intersections of communication, performance and social movement studies.

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