12 - La cause des femmes
Jean-Claude Soulages
Les avatars de la publicité télévisée ou les vies rêvées des femmes
Le Temps des médias n°12, printemps-été 2009, p. 114-124.Since the early days of broadcast commercials, the image of the woman occupies a strategic place in TV advertising. For a long time subjected to a patriarchal ideology, these fictions of our everyday life testify of a plurality and a much bigger freedom of representation today. But they also give evidence, through three avatars (the heir, the warrior, the icon), of the fragmentation of the feminine identity and the conflicts of definition concerning its status and its universes of skills.
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To quote this article : http://www.histoiredesmedias.com/Les-avatars-de-la-publicite,636.html