A la Une
Journée d’études "Excess ? Images of body, health, morality and emotions across the media", Berlin, 7-8 juin 2018
Thursday, June 7th, 2018
09.30 – 10.00 Registration
10.00 – 10.30 Introduction
10.30-12.00 Panel 1 : Religion, Cult and Experiment
Chair : Sandra Schnädelbach
Yitzchak Schwartz, New York University, Mystery and the Gift of Death : From the Binding of Isaac to the Crusade Chronicles Daniel A. Joslyn, New York University “No Ordinary Fanatics :” Islam, Ecstasy, and Respectability in Turn-of-the-Century New York City 12.00-13.00 Lunch
Chair : Tricia Close-Koenig
Florian Schleking, University of Cologne Ecstasy, Exercise, Excess ? Ambiguous Bodies and Cult Controversies in West Germany Christian Bonah & Joël Danet, University of Strasbourg Henri Michaux, Eric Duvivier and the Medical Film Gaze on Excess 14.30-15.00 Coffee Break
15.00-16.30 Panel 2 : Shaping Bodies
Chair : Jessica Borge
Izzy Rhodes, Royal College of Art, London The Body Factory : Mechanical Dieting Technologies and the American Home, 1975 – 1995 Hanna Surma, Utrecht University Physical and Emotional Excess as Crisis : The Self and/on Video in Reality TV Weight-Loss Programs 16.30-17.00 Coffee Break
17.00-18.30 Keynote
Chair : Sandra Schnädelbach
Rhodri Hayward, Queen Mary, University of London Messy Feelings and the Magic of Tidying Up 18.30 Reception with Wine & Pretzels
20.00 Dinner (for Workshop Participants)
Friday, June 8th, 2018 9.00-10.15 Panel 3 : Socialist Bodies
Chair : Anja Laukötter
Alexandre Sumpf, University of Strasbourg, How to Be a Socialist Bureaucrat : The Excess of Work, Enemy of the Soviet State Sandra Schnädelbach, MPIB, Berlin Training Health by Training Trust : Excessive Emotions as Risks Factors in GDR Television 10.15-10.30 Coffee Break
10.30-12.00 Panel 4 : Pleasure, Lifestyle and Disease
Chair : Christian Bonah
Alex Mold, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, How Much Is Too Much ? Moderation and Excess in Alcohol Health Education Campaigns in Britain, 1970s-1990s Kathryn Hughes, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Lifestyles of Excess : The ‘Othering’ of Excess in Mass-Media Depictions of the AIDS Disease & Liminal Subversive Counter-Narratives in the Visual Arts 12.00-13.00Lunch
13.00-14.15 Panel 5 : Medical Bodies
Chair : Jessica Borge
Hera Cook, University of Otago Wellington Medical School Excess and Female Genitals in Modern Medical Practice Oliver Aas, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York Towards a Theory of Medical Imaging : Genealogies of Bodily Interiority in Arts and Literature 14.15-14.30 Coffee Break
14.45-15.30 Final Discussion
Commentary : Anja Laukötter
Max-Planck-Institute für Human Development (Center for the History of Emotions) - Lentzeallee 94 Berlin, Allemagne (14195)