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Journal of Science & Popular Culture

Vol. 1, n° 1, 2017.

Whose ‘science’ is this ? – reflections on a 1930s survey of popular science (Marcel Chotkowski LaFollette)

Reality bytes : American and global culture in the era of infoglut (Peter Swirski)

It’s alive in the laboratory of the mind : Frankenstein, thought experiment and facing the future of science (Steven Gil)

Pathogens, vermin and strigoi : Contagion science and vampire myth in Guillermo del Toro’s The Strain (Julia Echeverría)

Science fictional doubles : Technologization of the doppelgänger and sinister science in serial science fiction TV (Paul Mountfort)

No one said it would be easy (David Brin)

The physics of Hollywood movies (or using Hollywood movies to teach and learn physics) (Adam Weiner)

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