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"Alternative Internets"

Journal of Peer Production

n° 9, 2016. Coord. : Félix Tréguer, Panayotis Antoniadis et Johan Söderberg


Alt. vs. Ctrl. : Editorial notes for the JoPP issue on Alternative Internets (Félix Tréguer, Panayotis Antoniadis and Johan Söderberg)


In Defense of the Digital Craftsperson (James Losey and Sascha D. Meinrath)

Hacktivism, Infrastructures and Legal Frameworks in Community Networks : The Italian Case of (Stefano Crabu, Federica Giovanella, Leonardo Maccari and Paolo Magaudda)

Enmeshed Lives ? Examining the Potentials and the Limits in the Provision of Wireless Networks. The Case of Réseau Libre (Christina Haralanova and Evan Light)

Going Off-the-Cloud : The Role of Art in the Development of a User-Owned & Controlled Connected World (Daphne Dragona and Dimitris Charitos)

Gesturing Towards “Anti-Colonial Hacking” and its Infrastructure (Sophie Toupin)

The Interplay Between Decentralization and Privacy : The Case of Blockchain Technologies (Primavera De Filippi)

Finding an Alternate Route : Towards Open, Eco-cyclical, and Distributed Production (Stephen Quilley, Jason Hawreliak and Kaitlin Kish)


Alternative Policies for Alternative Internets (Melanie Dulong de Rosnay)

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