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"Filmmaking in the Academy"

Journal of Media Practice and Education

Vol. 19, n° 3, 2018. Coord. : Susan Kerrigan, Joanna Callaghan.

The Impact of filmmaking research (Susan Kerrigan & Joanna Callaghan)

From doctoral project to cinematic release : A dialogue on the impact pathway of /Colours of the Alphabet/ (Nicholas Higgins and Alastair Cole)

An ecology of relationships : tensions and negotiations in documentary filmmaking practice as research (Kim Munro & Paolo Bilbrough)

The /Voicing Hidden Histories/ project : participatory video in development, soft power and film language (Paul Cooke, Stephanie Dennison & William Gould)

Publishing screen media practice research : evolving processes of contextualization, peer review and future proofing in /Screenworks/ (Charlotte Crofts & Alexander Nevill)

Walking in someone else’s shoes : creating empathy in the practice of immersive film (Sarah Jones & Steve Dawkins)

Stories of a ruined space : filmic and sonic approaches to practice-as-research (Christopher Brown & Andrew Knight-Hill)

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