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"Rome, Open City : Rupture and Return"
Journal of Italian Cinema & Media Studies
Vol. 6, n° 3. Coord. : Louis Bayman, Stephen Gundle, Karl Schoonover.
Editorial Rome, Open City : Rupture and Return (Louis Bayman, Stephen Gundle, Karl Schoonover)
Rome, Open City : before and after Neorealism (David Forgacs)
The Reception of Rome, Open City in France (1946-68). Realism for the Elites, Revolution for the People (Valerio Coladonato)
Death and the gaze in Rome, Open City (Stefania Parigi)
Re-reading Marina : sexuality, materialism and the construction of Italy (Dom Holdaway, Dalila Missero)
Notes on the end of Rome, Open City (Charles L. Leavitt IV)
Popular culture, performance, persona. Anna Magnani between Rome, Open City and The Rose Tattoo (Francesco Pitassio)
(Un)dressing authenticity : neorealist stardom and Anna Magnani in the postwar (1945-1948) (Sergio Rigoletto)
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