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06 - L’argent des médias

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Danielle Attias

Internet economic model

Le Temps des médias n°6, printemps 2006, p.143-150

Two main resources finance the traditional press : the sale of copies to final customers and advertising. With Internet, this economic model is heavily questioned by several phenomena : the new competition of general portals diffusing news wire, the value of information challenged by consumers, the direct confrontation of editors with their online audience and the emergence of blogs, new information sites produced on a purely individual and voluntary basis to comment on news. The editors’answers are contrasted and cannot be exclusively justified on economic grounds. If the subscription model is preferred for semi-professional publications, the advertising model is the most widespread, in particular for general information sites or thematic sites. However, the difficulties on the Internet advertising market motivated some editors to choose a mixed model, where readers subscribe to exclusive information services and contribute to the site’s developments. Finally, if general portals build up their model by attracting a mass audience, the traditional media might stress on differentiation, brand and content quality. DrapeauFrancais

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