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International Journal of Communication

Vol. 11, 2017.


What Communication Scholars Write About : An Analysis of 80 Years of Research in High-Impact Journals (Elisabeth Günther, Emese Domahidi)

The Morality and Political Antagonisms of Neoliberal Discourse : Campbell Brown and the Corporatization of Educational Justice (Leon A. Salter, Sean Phelan)

How Does Political Satire Influence Political Participation ? Examining the Role of Counter- and Pro-Attitudinal Exposure, Anger, and Personal Issue Importance (Hsuan-Ting Chen, Chen Gan, Ping Sun)

Residual and Resurgent Protestantism in the American Media (and Political) Imaginary (Stewart M. Hoover)

Examining the Relationship Between Presumed Influence of U.S. News About China and the Support for the Chinese Government’s Global Public Relations Campaigns (Ran Wei, Ven-hwei Lo, Guy Golan)

Framing Political News in the Chilean Press : The Persistence of the Conflict Frame (Maria Elena Gronemeyer, William Porath)

Does Receiving or Providing Social Support on Facebook Influence Life Satisfaction ? Stress as Mediator and Self-Esteem as Moderator (Yixin Chen, Richard S. Bello)

U.S. Embassy Support for Hollywood’s Global Dominance : Cultural Imperialism Redux (Paul Moody)

Framing Climate Change : A Content Analysis of Chinese Mainstream Newspapers from 2005 to 2015 (Jingjing Han, Shaojing Sun, Yanqin Lu)


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