Nouveautés parutions
International Journal of Communication
Vol. 10, 2016.
Beyond the Four Theories : Toward a Discourse Approach to the Comparative
Study of Media and Politics (Florian Toepfl)
Moral Economies : Interrogating the Interactions of NGOs, Journalists and
Freelancers (Kate Wright)
Internationalization Through Americanization : The Expansion of the
International Communication Association’s Leadership to the World (Thomas Wiedemann, Michael Meyen)
Construction of Obedient Foreign Brides as Exotic Others : How Production
Practices Construct the Images of Marriage Migrant Women on Korean
Television (Na Young Cha, Claire Shinhea Lee, Ji Hoon Park)
Russian News Coverage of the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic Games : A Transmedia Analysis (Renira Rampazzo Gambarato, Geane Carvalho Alzamora, Lorena Péret Teixeira Tárcia)
A Korean Mother’s Cooking Notes : Maintaining South Korean Cooking and
Ideals of Housewives in Glocal Influences (Hojin Song)
Green Brand Positioning in the Online Environment (Hui-Ju Wang)
When Race Matters : What Newspaper Opinion Pieces Say about Race and Poverty (Imaani Jamillah El-Burki, Douglas V. Porpora, Rachel R. Reynolds)
"Mom’s Voice" and Other Voices:Civil-Military Relations as a Media Ritual (Oren Meyers)
Discovering the Divide : Technology and Poverty in the New Economy (Daniel Greene)
Food Content of TV Shows Seen by Children in Peru : A Double Dose of Food
Messages ? (Peter Busse)
The Myth of Media Literacy (Zoë Druick)
Hate Speech and Covert Discrimination on Social Media : Monitoring the
Facebook Pages of Extreme-Right Political Parties in Spain (Anat Ben-David, Ariadna Matamoros Fernández)
Politician Seeking Voter : How Interviews on Entertainment Talk Shows Affect Trust in Politicians (Mark Boukes, Hajo G. Boomgaarden)