35 - Luttes sociales
Pierre-Emmanuel Guigo
Governing with social movements: Michel Rocard Prime Minister and the media coverage of social movements (1988-1991)
Le Temps des médias n° 35, Automne 2020, p. 37-53.>> Acheter cet article sur CAIRN
During his three years at Matignon, Michel Rocard will face several major social conflicts, with more horizontal forms and highly publicized. He manages to ease tensions and maintain his popularity rating. It favors a strategy of low media coverage of negotiations and technicalization of problems. Rather than a massive salary increase which would have threatened budgetary balances, he prefers recognition of the professional categories involved. However, these different movements will not be without consequences for the government’s social balance sheet, which was judged negatively in the following years and for the break between the popular electorate and Michel Rocard.
To quote this article : http://www.histoiredesmedias.com/Governing-with-social-movements.html