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Global Media Journal

Vol. 8, n° 1, printemps-Été 2018.

Michael Meyen : Journalists’ Autonomy around the Globe : A Typology of 46 Mass Media Systems

Waqas Ejaz : Investigating Malaise and Mobilization Effects of Media Use on European Identity before and after the Eurozone Crisis

Tal Samuel-Azran, Yair Galily, Amit Lavie-Dinur & Yuval Karniel : "Germany’s Victory over Brazil was like the Blitzkrieg" : The Sport-Politics Nexus in Israel During the 2014 World Cup

Michael Lithgow & Michèle Martin : The Eyewitness Texture of Conflict : Contributions of Amateur Videos in News Coverage of the Arab Spring

Mehmet Bayrak & Ömer Alkın : Kritik von Fortschrittsnarrativen im deutsch-türkischen Migrationskontext - Migrationskino und Diasporamoscheen im Integrationsdispositiv

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