17 - Communiquer le sacré
Hélène Duccini
French Counter-Reformation Medias in the XVIIth century
Le Temps des médias n°17, Automne 2011, p. 11-20.In 17th century France, a novel means of promoting the Christian message was developed by those who sought to ‘convert’the lost sheep and bring them back to the fold. There we study: preaching techniques used by those who aimed at recovering the wayward; the teaching of the catechism, a formula devised to reach children, even adults; and the role of confession, the culmination of the ways used to bring back toe wayward to the fold. The role of religious imagery is highlighted. We close by examining novel means used to celebrating the sacraments and fostering the faith.
To quote this article : http://www.histoiredesmedias.com/French-Counter-Reformation-Medias.html