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SALTZMAN Joe, Frank Capra and the Image of The Journalist in American Film, Los Angeles, The Norman Lear Center, The Anneberg School for Communication, 2002.

The images of the journalist we cling to in the twenty-first century were created chunk by chunk, real and imagined, from biblical times through Elizabethan England when messengers, heralds, minstrels, gossips, busybodies, news criers, balladeers, travel correspondents, letter-writers, epitaphists, pamphleteers, hacks, freelance writers, and newsmongers hammered out what would be called journalism. The lust for news, for tydings, for gossip, for information about everything and anything goes back to the beginning of recorded history.
A newsroom is always filled with fast-talking, bright people whose main work is to speak to strangers, investigate a situation, get answers, develop a story. Since reporters are always finding out something about someone, they create countless stories with good beginnings, middles, and endings. The newspaper gave the moviemaker an endless flow of story possibilities in an atmosphere that soon became so familiar to movie audiences that journalists could be thrown into a film without the scriptwriter having to worry about motivation or plot.

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