Home page > Le Temps des Médias > 14 - Fiction > Fiction auctoriale, postures et impostures médiatiques : le cas de Chloé Delaume, « personnage de fiction »

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Sylvie Ducas

Fiction auctoriale, postures et impostures médiatiques : le cas de Chloé Delaume, « personnage de fiction »

Le Temps des médias n°14, Printemps 2010, p. 176-192.

Based on Chloé Delaume’s work, this study is part of a general thought about the self-fiction and the self construction of contemporary authors in their relationship to writing and the media. Its aim is to show that this novelist finds, in the digital interface and in the hybridization of forms and supports, an ambiguous space of invention of herself and a playground allowing her to rethink the author-reader relationship, and to redefine the art through the tools of modern communication. DrapeauFrancais

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