12 - La cause des femmes
Laurence Bachmann, Sébastien Salerno
Entre féminité et modernité. La prise en charge médiatique de l’année présidentielle de Micheline Calmy-Rey
Le Temps des médias n°12, printemps-été 2009, p. 90-99.In 2003, Micheline Calmy-Rey is elected at the Swiss government. Five years later, she becomes, for a year, president of Switzerland. Her presidential year coincides with the federal elections where her group, the socialist party, matches against the UDC, the tough right wing party led by Christoph Blocher. Our contribution analyzes the way Micheline Calmy-Rey uses the media to modernize the image of Switzerland and of women. This modernization is done through her political actions, but also through her physical appearance.
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