Home page > Le Temps des Médias > 07 - Campagnes politiques, tribunes médiatiques > Communication politique dans l’Espagne contemporaine (1976-2006)

07 - Campagnes politiques, tribunes médiatiques

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Pere-Oriol Costa

Communication politique dans l’Espagne contemporaine (1976-2006)

Le Temps des médias n°7, hiver 2006-07, p.161-175

This article examines the role of the media in Spanish politics since the end of the Franco régime. It covers two phases : the first period spans the period of democratic transition from 1976 until 2000, and discusses the creation of a democratic legal framework, the elaboration and modernisation fo the commuications strategies of political parties, and the growing role of the media in politics. During the second period, the Popular Party completely modified its communication strategies ; this led to a division in Spanish public opinion and the apparent resurrection of the ghost of the existence of "two Spains". The article concludes by highligthing the surprising consequences of the terrorist attacks in Madrid in March 2004 on Spanish communication policies. DrapeauFrancais

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