32 - L’attentat, du tyrannicide au terrorisme
Pierre-Emmanuel Guigo
Communication of the French presidents during terrorist attacks (1985-2016)
Le Temps des médias n° 32, Printemps 2019.This article shows the evolutions of the presidential communication during terrorist attacks. We compare four case studies (1985-1986 ; 1995 ; 2012 ; 2015-2016) in order to understand the reasons explaining the exponential growth of the presidential mediatic interventions during terrorist attacks. We see some common points, particularly in the discourse. But the growth can be explained for us in reason the presidential mandate reduction. Moreover, presidential unpopularity steers the president to communicate in order to benefit from the “rally round the flag” effect (Mueller).
To quote this article : http://www.histoiredesmedias.com/Communication-of-the-French.html