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Cinema Journal

Vol. 7, n° 1, 2018.


Halit Refig’s I Lost My Heart to a Turk : Woman, Islam and Modernity in Turkish Cinema (Murat Akser)

Presentation of Nuri Bilge Ceylan and his Cinema in the Turkish Media (Zafer Parlak, Mehmet Işık)

Apocalypse at Painting to Cinema : The end of Western Civilization and Hegemony (Selma Köksal)

From Box Office to Memory : Telling Stories is not an Innocent Act (Ayla Kanbur)

Interpersonal Relations as a Tool to Film Directing (Caio Augusto Camargo Bogoni, Renate B. Michel)

What’s in the Backdrop : Representation of Landscape in Bollywood Cinema (Naveen Mishra)

Order, Disobedience and Power in Kieslowski’s Dekalog (Janet Barış)

The Black Tent (1956) and Bengazi (1955) : The Image of Arabs in Two post-Empire Journeys into the Deserts of Libya (Richard Andrew Voeltz)

Violence in the Postcolonial Ghetto : Ngozi Onwurah’s Welcome II the Terrordome (1994) (Emilie Herbert)

Going Beyond Boundaries : There is a Way and the Use of English Medium in Hausa Film Industry (Muhammad Muhsin Ibrahim, Aliyu Yakubu Yusuf)

Political Claustrophobia in Lars von Trier’s Europa and America Trilogies (Özlem Denli)

Let’s Make it American : American Remakes of the British Films (Elif Kahraman Dönmez)

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