01 - Interdits. Tabous, transgressions, censures
Florence Tamagne
Caricatures homophobes et stéréotypes de genre en France et en Allemagne : la presse satirique, de 1900 au milieu des années 1930
Le Temps des médias n°1, automne 2003, p.42-53.Years 1900-1930 see the climax of homosexual themes in the caricature. The “invert†and the “flapper†are the favourite targets of the cartoonists, who often reduce homosexuality to gender stereotypes. With the social satire also mingles political criticism and the suspicion of homosexuality is a means among others of discrediting a personality, even a whole nation, as during the Eulenburg affair, which bursts in Germany in 1907.
To quote this article : http://www.histoiredesmedias.com/Caricatures-homophobes-et,153.html