01 - Interdits. Tabous, transgressions, censures
Bruno Bertherat
Cadavre à la « une » La télévision et la mort de Jacques Mesrine, ennemi public n° 1 (1979)
Le Temps des médias n°1, automne 2003, p.119-138.Through the detailed description of Jacques Mesrine’s violent death (a public enemy n° 1) and the studies of the numerous reactions towards the showing of the killer’s cadavre, the article brings us to a study of the history of « faits divers » (miscellaneous news items) at the time of the audiovisual medias. Also, it invites us to a reflexion over attitudes on the face of death and the analysis of a the treatment of the body over the radio and television.
To quote this article : http://www.histoiredesmedias.com/Cadavre-a-la-une-La-television-et,165.html