Professor, Department of Communication at North Dakota State University, Fargo

Site internet / page personnelle :
Domaines / thèmes de recherches :
- IIIe République
- Journalisme
- Journalisme de la grande guerre
Sélection de publications sur les médias :
COLLINS Ross F., World War I. Debating the Issues. Westport, CT : Greenwood Press, 2008
COLLINS Ross F., PALMEGIANO E. M., eds., The Rise of Western Journalism, 1815-1914. Jefferson NC : McFarland, 2007. [Chapitre 3 : Ross F. Collins, « Traitorous Collaboration : The Press in France 1815-1914. » ]
COLLINS Ross F., World War I. Volume 5, The Greenwood Library of American War Reporting. Westport, CT : Greenwood Press, 2005.
COLLINS Ross F., “‘Cossacks Marching to Berlin !’ : A New Look at French Journalism during the First World War.” American Journalism 18 (Fall 2001), 29-44.
COLLINS Ross F., “The Development of Censorship in World War I France.” Journalism Monographs 131 (February 1992).