Nouveautés parutions
BAKOY Eva, PUIJK Roel, SPICER Andrew (dir.)
Building Successful and Sustainable Film and Television Businesses. A Cross-National Perspective
Intellect Ltd ? 2017, 300 p., £36.
This edited collection focuses on successful small and medium-sized film and television companies in Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Using original interviews with company founders and other employees, the book explores case studies of businesses that have made successful productions, both in terms of popularity and critical acclaim, for at least five years. The book consists of four sections, each focusing on one country. These sections start with an overview of the film and television sector in the country in question, followed by chapters that investigate particular companies and their relationship to the industrial context. The Introduction provides a theoretical and methodological discussion and the Conclusion draws together the common elements that may explain how these companies have been able to survive and thrive.
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